Most people choose to live in a tiny home to help reduce their carbon footprint. As part of your new eco-friendly lifestyle, you want to look at the most sustainable ways to heat your tiny home, she-shed, or cabin. Here we explain how electric radiant in-floor heating offers the most sustainable way to heat your tiny home comfortably.

What is Electric Radiant In-Floor Heating?

As the name implies, a radiant in-floor heating system uses the floor itself as the heater. Since this is one of the largest surfaces in the home, you make the most of the radiant heat produced. The radiant heat uses a thin 13-Watt film to produce the heat controlled with a UL Listed thermostat. Consistent heat uses FAR infrared technology to warm the floors and create an indirect heating source. There are no ducts, so the heat is produced and stored continuously.

You Can Keep Temperature Lower

What makes radiant in-floor heating so sustainable is that when you open doors or windows, the warmth does not escape, but it remains in the floor. Within seconds or minutes of closing, the area becomes warm again. Because it never cools off, you use up all the energy required, so very little escapes. The heat can keep a tiny home consistently comfortable without further demand on your electrical input.

It Pushes Moisture Out of the Floor

Radiant heat actually travels through the air, which means it doesn’t impact a room’s humidity. Other forms of heat often have a drying effect which means you need to add more humidity to the room to keep the air and environment more comfortable. Radiant heat helps keep your space more comfortable by pushing moisture out of the floor while also helping to reduce high humidity because it reduces condensation. 

Condensation happens when warm air contacts cold surfaces. Because the floor itself is warm, it helps prevent condensation while keeping the air consistent and balanced. Water vapor remains in the air instead of clinging to surfaces such as walls and windows.

Takes Up Zero Space

Electric radiant in-floor heating takes up zero space in your tiny home, cabin, or she-shed. It provides a sustainable primary heat source without vents or an actual “heater” unit, ideal for small spaces.

Lower Heating Bills

About 70% of the energy needed to produce radiant heat is usable, making it far more efficient than other heating methods. For example, propane experiences higher losses through doors and windows and duct losses as the warm air travels through the vents to reach your space. The heat is spread more efficiently because radiant floor heating heats from the ground up. When heat is produced from the roof down or through vents, the heat rises. As a result, more heat is wasted.

No Allergies

What makes radiant in-floor heat such a viable heat source for allergy sufferers is that there’s no need for filters and air flowing throughout your home. Harsh pollutants won’t be flowing through your home when the air kicks on to heat or cool your home. There’s no need for changing air filters as there aren’t any filters to buy or replace with radiant in-floor heat.

Increased Comfort and Less Noise

Because the heat distributes evenly across your floors, you never find “hot and cold spots” throughout your cabin, she-shed or tiny home. Heat is consistent from area to area, so you won’t need to worry about space heaters in colder rooms. Additionally, radiant in-floor heat is entirely silent, unlike forced air systems that stop and start throughout the night, making it more difficult for you to sleep.

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